Everything you you need to successfully license clips from films, tv, documentaries, podcasts and more for your project.

Title of your project? The official or working title of the project you plan to release.
Project type? Will your project be a feature film, tv series, documentary, YouTube video, podcast series/episode or other project type?
Description of the scene or moment the clip will appear in the project?
Confirmed talent for the project? Notable cast and crew attached to the project.
Production Company name?
Distribution Company name?
Overall production budget? Estimated or final budget for the project.
Content licensing budget? Estimated or final budget for clip licensing.
Distribution type? Where do you plan to release this project (theatrical, streaming/online and festivals etc.)?
Duration of clip use? Start and end runtime of the clip you plan to license.
Term length for the clip license (i.e. perpetuity, 15 years, 10 years, festival use only)?
Release date of the project? The final or estimated release date for the project.
Territory (worldwide, U.S. only etc.)?
Promotion or trailer use? Will the clip be used in online promotion or trailer of the project?